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Fleur de Mandragore (extrait)Archetype Trad
00:00 / 00:50
Reel bulle (extrait)Archetype Trad
00:00 / 01:02
Deux côtés du même océan (extrait)Archetype Trad
00:00 / 01:02
The Gold Ring & Jenny's Welcome to Charlie (extrait)Archetype Trad
00:00 / 00:47
Congratulations to Kate and Émilie on their gorgeous new album. I have travelled far and wide in North America and have never heard Jenny's Welcome to Charlie played this well on this side of the Atlantic.
Their accompaniment emulates the drones and the regulators of uilleann pipes, and Émilie plays a bowed viele build by her aunt. They play baroque violin and 5-sting violin tuned at
A-415 for a lower pitch and larger melodic range.
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